Tag Archives: thomas paine

Virtually Personal Personae

Moe Green – ShipwreckedtrainBefore the fun begins, someone go read Sweet Lady Direct Democracy‘s latest on the Feds and US. Someone OTHER than Nase. For crissakes people, the kid’s doing an internship and has more work under his belt at this juncture than any living American, except maybe that one crazy nursery guy out in South King who has an addiction to learning. Point is really that India is doing fine, we aren’t so much some here in the US, and one of US should maybe look at the article, since the rest are going to Gay Off (that’s right, capital Gay=Big Fun!) with some vids from the wonderful, international, autodidacticlly inclined vlogging comunitee known as Thee Underground Int3rTubes™.Yeah, ok i just made that up. The name.Lemme introduce you to my new video tech swami and, AND killer clip SourceOpener and AND mashup artiste extreme, the User Who Was and Remains DEATHINKING.


open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING is not a consumer product, yet produces much, all intended for consumption; yet when consumed these products remain.

Mixed GendeR & Race Rock & Roll

open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING_ATUBESome speak of DEATHINKING as a leader, a true revolutionary; infailable these conversations trail off into silence when arming the women is brought up.


open playlist in new windowIt is unknown if DEATHINKING is a man, a woman, a couple, a rogue element of the AP or UPI, or an AI resident in one of LA’s many digital video farms. It is known that they provide high-quality digitizing services for individuals and small groups for reasonable rates and fast turn-around.It is also known that DEATHINKING knows, i mean really knows, ya know?

Tarot Tops

open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING_ATUBE(The last one in the Tarot series is the clincher- Bubblegum Crisis vs the Meridian Deck! i l0lz’d.)It is also known that user DEATHINKING has a fucked-up sense of humor, affinity for old punk and metal, mad editing skills and a weakness for cute things. The later is often turned into a weapon or plowshare. Once i swear they turned a picture of a kitteh in a hat into an action plan for sustainable living, but i may have been high.

Punk Rock Baby, Baby!

open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING_ATUBEMoreover, and most Movement: Citizen user DEATHINKING, like Citizen user SahkiElijah (from yesterday, c’mon! follow the fucking threads) understands playlisting, as evidenced above. So easy to share, so easy to use.So i only had to make one myself. Nice.


open playlist in new windowMy main man XandirFan came back in the inter-semester lull to finish his most worthy readings of Our Patron World Citizen, Sri Thomas Paine. 

Bring The Paine

open playlist in new windowFreakin’ kids give me hope sometimes. *snif* Catch up with PennilessCripple and his band of merry Pinks in the expanded viewer with the Dadist monicker.

Fish Stapler

open playlist in new windowThe mid-early primary Democracy player has no good news, kids. The delightful ladies who followed the fudging of Ohio votes follow the chain in New Hampshire…and find post-it security tape on ballot boxes left outside the vault. After the vote. Much more within. Please, make a point of watching some of it. You’re here, right? WTF? It’s not like you were expecting L0lcatz or pics of my thunderously pulsing fistula, right? You want to see the bodies in the trainwreck, i know. So do i.That’s why i brought the stick.


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The I/0 Fatima, Part One

Yes, We Proudly Piratebut they have a nice site, too. Check it.

Pass The Paine

Tricky – Black Steel

Candidate’s Prememoriae: Since about half of this campaign’s support (and staff) are (surprisingly) inelligable to sign on as petitioners due to suspensions of civil liberties recieved as bonus pain with felony convictions, i hereby pass the following down the block…

From: Thousand Kites
Date: Dec 4, 2007 11:34 AM

Dear Citizen J,

The Thousand Kites Team would like to ask for your support for a special radio project called Calls from Home. Calls from Home is a simple project. We open our recording studio’s toll-free number from 3-11pm on December 11th and record calls from prisoner families and supporters from across the country.

We then broadcast the program on over 120 radio stations across the country and bring hundreds of voices (people singing songs, reading poems, and speaking from the heart) to hundreds of thousands of prisoners. We need your help in spreading the word and making the program as strong as possible. Here is how you can help us.

– Call in to the show on Dec. 11th from 3-11pm eastern time. Call toll free at 888-396-1208 and the Thousand Kites team will be there to take your call. We usually just say “Caller, you’re on the air, who would you like to send a message to tonight?”

– If you want to call a message in right now you can call our answering machine at 877-518-0606.

– Spread the word to other people. Please pass this on and ask other folks to get involved. You can learn more at our website at www.thousandkites.org

– After the show is recorded we put it up for free downloads. Download it and get it played our your local community radio station, play a section at a meeting, get it played at a church, class, or even in a prison and hold a discussion about incarceration in the United States.

Finally, help us spread the word on My Space. Please re-post this to your friends.

Thousand Kites Team

email: thousandkitesproject@gmail.com
phone: 606.633.0108


To be pedantically Kantian about it, our Hero of The Age (Of Reason) is STILL Sri Thomas Paine, World Citizen Pretend and Shit-Stirrer Excelsior. Paine spent time in multiple prisons thanks to his propensity to speak Truth to Power, championing Democracy and secular egalitarian reform. To know his story is to know the history of the Amero-Anglican Schism known as The Revolutionary War; and thus understand why he languished in that Death Row Castle and Deepest of Holes, the Bastille, while the new Nation he helped create ignored his plight and betrayed his work.

Bring The Paine

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Modern bellwether, Sri Abbie Hoffman, knew the sting of Authority’s ire well.

Steal This Movie!

open movie in new window

Any thing else i have for allzy’all at this point would be distressing and depressing and generally de-progressing.

So here’s some funny guys.

Williams’ Street

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If you watch both playlists en totale, you’ll note that both comedians tell jokes involving inter-species sex between primates. I think that’s a clue.


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