Category Archives: democratizing America

Virtually Personal Personae

Moe Green – ShipwreckedtrainBefore the fun begins, someone go read Sweet Lady Direct Democracy‘s latest on the Feds and US. Someone OTHER than Nase. For crissakes people, the kid’s doing an internship and has more work under his belt at this juncture than any living American, except maybe that one crazy nursery guy out in South King who has an addiction to learning. Point is really that India is doing fine, we aren’t so much some here in the US, and one of US should maybe look at the article, since the rest are going to Gay Off (that’s right, capital Gay=Big Fun!) with some vids from the wonderful, international, autodidacticlly inclined vlogging comunitee known as Thee Underground Int3rTubes™.Yeah, ok i just made that up. The name.Lemme introduce you to my new video tech swami and, AND killer clip SourceOpener and AND mashup artiste extreme, the User Who Was and Remains DEATHINKING.


open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING is not a consumer product, yet produces much, all intended for consumption; yet when consumed these products remain.

Mixed GendeR & Race Rock & Roll

open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING_ATUBESome speak of DEATHINKING as a leader, a true revolutionary; infailable these conversations trail off into silence when arming the women is brought up.


open playlist in new windowIt is unknown if DEATHINKING is a man, a woman, a couple, a rogue element of the AP or UPI, or an AI resident in one of LA’s many digital video farms. It is known that they provide high-quality digitizing services for individuals and small groups for reasonable rates and fast turn-around.It is also known that DEATHINKING knows, i mean really knows, ya know?

Tarot Tops

open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING_ATUBE(The last one in the Tarot series is the clincher- Bubblegum Crisis vs the Meridian Deck! i l0lz’d.)It is also known that user DEATHINKING has a fucked-up sense of humor, affinity for old punk and metal, mad editing skills and a weakness for cute things. The later is often turned into a weapon or plowshare. Once i swear they turned a picture of a kitteh in a hat into an action plan for sustainable living, but i may have been high.

Punk Rock Baby, Baby!

open playlist in new windowDEATHINKING_ATUBEMoreover, and most Movement: Citizen user DEATHINKING, like Citizen user SahkiElijah (from yesterday, c’mon! follow the fucking threads) understands playlisting, as evidenced above. So easy to share, so easy to use.So i only had to make one myself. Nice.


open playlist in new windowMy main man XandirFan came back in the inter-semester lull to finish his most worthy readings of Our Patron World Citizen, Sri Thomas Paine. 

Bring The Paine

open playlist in new windowFreakin’ kids give me hope sometimes. *snif* Catch up with PennilessCripple and his band of merry Pinks in the expanded viewer with the Dadist monicker.

Fish Stapler

open playlist in new windowThe mid-early primary Democracy player has no good news, kids. The delightful ladies who followed the fudging of Ohio votes follow the chain in New Hampshire…and find post-it security tape on ballot boxes left outside the vault. After the vote. Much more within. Please, make a point of watching some of it. You’re here, right? WTF? It’s not like you were expecting L0lcatz or pics of my thunderously pulsing fistula, right? You want to see the bodies in the trainwreck, i know. So do i.That’s why i brought the stick.


open playlist in new window

The I/0 Fatima, Part One

Yes, We Proudly Piratebut they have a nice site, too. Check it.

Initiative, Taking

note: i know i’ve mentioned this before, but here’s a nice FYI from Our Lady Democracy RE: the NIfD.


What is the National Initiative?

Not everyone is aware of the existence of the National Initiative for Democracy, which is an elaborate plan to institute a system of direct democracy in the U.S.A. It would be enacted in the form of a constitutional amendment made binding by a popular vote in which the majority of the nationwide electorate approves it. This bold and visionary plan to create a balance of power betweeen the people and the existing branches of government is largely the work of former senator and current presidential candidate Mike Gravel. Read the following article and follow the links to learn more about it. You can also register your vote right now for the National Initiative. When 50 million have done so, it becomes the law! Find out how. -Editor


The United States of America is not, in fact, a democracy. In a democracy, the people are the government. Today, we elect people to run the government for us. The people we elect do not, for the most part, run the country in the interest of the people, they run it in the interest of themselves. We are led to believe that we must put our trust in these people. We, the people, do not have the power to create laws in our interest. This leads to an extreme imbalance of power in the government versus the people.

To solve these problems and create a true balance of power, The Democracy Foundation has created a plan named the National Initiative for Democracy.

The powerful elites who control our government will self-servingly argue that the People are not qualified or do not know enough to be trusted to make laws. To counter those opposed to empowering the People, one needs only look to the record of the last 100 years in the 24 states where the People make laws by initiative. In those states the People have legislated responsibly, and many times more so than their elected representatives. Civil service, campaign finance reform, and women’s right to vote are but a few examples of the progressive legislation initiated by the People.

The experience of Switzerland is even more instructive. Switzerland, a poor, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, hardscrabble country without natural resources, decided, 140 years ago, to adopt a constitution that brought the People into the operation of government as lawmakers. Even the acclaimed Alexis de Tocqueville had serious doubts that this Swiss experiment in direct democracy would work. The result is without precedent in human history; Switzerland has evolved into the most successfully governed and wealthiest nation in the world.

The National Initiative has been developed and refined over the past decade by former Senator Mike Gravel (D. Alaska, 1969 – 1981) and his colleagues. The Democracy Foundation, a nonprofit 501 c 3 organization, is sponsoring the National Initiative. Philadelphia II, a separate nonprofit organization, is conducting an election on National Initiative at, giving the people the opportunity to vote for and enact the National Initiative into law. Both are organizations are led by Senator Gravel.

The National Initiative is a legislative proposal that includes an amendment to the Constitution, the Democracy Amendment and a proposed federal statute, the Democracy Act. The Amendment 1) asserts the constituent sovereignty of the People to make laws, 2) outlaws monies in initiative elections not from natural persons, and 3) legalizes the self-enactment process of the Philadelphia II election.

The Act establishes deliberative legislative procedures for the People and creates an administrative agency (the Electoral Trust) to implement those procedures on behalf of the People, independent of representative governments.

With the National Initiative’s enactment, the American People will experience the responsibility of legislating and governing themselves directly, the benefits of which will bring about greater civic maturity. The National Initiative does not alter the existing structure of representative governments; however, it does add an additional check, the People, to our system of Checks and Balances. Bringing the People into the legislative operations of government sets up a working partnership with the People and their elected legislative representatives.

The election by Philadelphia II at overcomes the monopoly of representative government over the people and the failure of Congress to share its lawmaking powers with the People, who are already experienced as lawmakers in 24 states where they make laws by initiative, and everywhere, whenever people vote on bond issues.

The Philadelphia II election began on September 17, 2002 allowing people to the use of the Internet to vote on the National Initiative. The successful use of this ubiquitous technology now depends on supporters networking their friends, relatives, colleagues and organizations informing them that they can enact the National Initiative into law without the government by voting at:

The ideological foundation of the National Initiative rests on the belief that the constituent power of the People is sovereign and the American People can govern themselves as they see fit in pursuit of their happiness and the general welfare. George Washington put it best: The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.

You can best equip yourself to help network your friends by investigating the subjects below and following their links (which are repeated in the left margin of the following pages) to learn more about:

The National Initiative For Democracy: A description of the National Initiative

The Democracy Amendment: Full text of the proposed amendment to the United States Constitution.

The Democracy Act: Full text of the proposed federal statute establishing procedures for the Legislature of the People.

Parrish Report: A more easily readable description of the National Initiative

Rationale: Why we need the National Initiative.

First Principles: The philosophical foundation of the National Initiative.

Partnership In Democracy: How the Legislature of the People, working in partnership with our elected legislators, overcomes the flaws of a purely representative democracy while retaining its benefits.

Constitutionality: The legal foundation of the National Initiative.

Action Plan: The plan of action to enact the National Initiative

The Perfect Plan To Rid US Of The Dark Knight


M03 Gr33n – Let It Burn
Go see Moe’s Place on ThierSpace!
I’ve got you now, Batman, you Chomsky-sucking mutherfugg…

Srry, y’all. That one’s a particularly hilarious-to-me “joke” that even a Presidential Hopeful™ can’t summon the solipsism to elucidate. The RapeJoke of US Foreign Policy is funnier. Moe would get it. Battim, if you find this, know that i won’t rest until you get it too. I’m sorry that it won’t be as funny as:

USFPIARJ Teaser Wants You And Dresses Like It Too.

Srry, that’s the RapeJoke of US Development And Enclosure/Domestic Policy. So hard to keep them separate.

Anyway, that shit ain’t funny, and i know you know i know this, and you had best be aware that am fully aware of the former, and am still going to shove it in any and every face i see, even the “innocent” amongst the wellwishers, when ere hence i boil it down to servable dimentia.

Qua? Because…because you fuckers are driving your cars around, paying the banks and companies what They™ tell you to, acting like you’ve got a fucking say in who becomes Bush’s heir to the puppethone, acting like even if you did have a say there was a cunting difference on stage between the 6 wastes of skin offered, and all the while your tax dollars are once again paying for worldwide outsourcing of rape and murder at increasing rates; and you act as if this is understandable given how crazy Arabs are.

Worse, you act like you believe this cockamamie half-assed lie is fooling you, and then…l0lz, get this shit..THEN YOU ACT LIKE I’M SUPPOSED TO NOT CALL YOU ON IT.

Oh Cracka i KNOW you ain’t that high.

Which of you females reading this is thinking “Obama or Hilary?” WHICH ONE OF YOU?

Fucking better be NONE. Serious. WTF? You LIKE Rape as a Foreign Policy strategy? Will there be less with either one of those capitulating mealymouthed corporate stooges as Official USA Talking Head? Really?

You think?

You think it matters what you think? Still? Do The Goddam Reading.

Democracy Self-Exam Tool

The Only Complete™
Compendium of US State Laws Governing Electoral Procedure.

Which one of you-wanna be Realists still thinks the 2004 electoral-over-popular count doesn’t decidedly prove beyond the standard mean required that the US electoral college is not contingent upon the popular count? Which one, two, or W/e is so fucking committed to the Ideal Armchair of Moderation that following the fucking paper trail from New York through London to Dubai is the job of “Conspiracy Freaks” and not merely another good way to track the obvious actions of a global cartel of multinationalist corporate dynasties?

Which 20 of you ARE conspiracy fucktards, buying your clique’s racist, ethnocentrist, tribalist misdirection legends? WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKING PEOPLE BELIEVED THE HASHEMSFILMS L0LZFEST?


Derp. Dipshits. You aren’t fooling anyone by acting as if you think that’s within the reach of plausible. It’s praetobviously not, and as a matter of fact one WOULD have to be slightly retarded to think that aliens were going to alieviate us of the responsibilties implicit in dealing with the ever-growing gobs of human feces appearing (as if by divine intervention!) in our personal doggie dishes.

I don’t care if it’s out of fear that you don’t face down the FaceLess with me. It’s always been so obvious to me that an oligarchy controlled the Western world. One controls Japan, in collusion with the Imperial aristocracy which they kept. One controls India, created by the Aryans when they took over the ArcheoTamil world. Ghandi was a pale motherfucker, huh? They’re good at it, them Aryan Cousins of mine.

In the West they didn’t fare so well. No Bible. That’s key in the beginning. This is why it’s easy to blame the Jews; their founding autocrat wrote the bible that the whole of Western Culture looks to as some sort of keystone. Here’s the kicker, boys and girls:

No Gods empower these people.

In case you haven’t noticed, those symbol sets don’t mean shit in physical reality, being as the sky is empty. No MagicMan in the clouds. So that’s all just control myths. And you have to be pretty fucking broken to let some other idiot’s poorly plaguarized spook story control you into giving real authority to elitist thugs.

Every Jew i know wants nothing to do with Israel and gets no Hanakhah gifts with Tel Aviv postmarks, dig? Every blond i know wants nothing to with Nazi scumbags and has no claim on their ancestral farmland in the Rhone Valley, every Londoner i know has no love for the Royals….

…hmph. I don’t know any Londoners, actually. Fucking go back to 1812, everybody. NOW.

Alright, here’s a happy Revolutionary Music Video to motivate you.

Tania (Be Cool About Fire Safety, Comrade Paris!)

I’ll be there waiting. Hurry up, and somebody PLEASE give Paris an AK.

Sorry if i yelled…No, fuck that. Sorry if you think Democracy isn’t worth looking into.

All Power To The People™.