Category Archives: WTFE

The Perfect Plan To Rid US Of The Dark Knight


M03 Gr33n – Let It Burn
Go see Moe’s Place on ThierSpace!
I’ve got you now, Batman, you Chomsky-sucking mutherfugg…

Srry, y’all. That one’s a particularly hilarious-to-me “joke” that even a Presidential Hopeful™ can’t summon the solipsism to elucidate. The RapeJoke of US Foreign Policy is funnier. Moe would get it. Battim, if you find this, know that i won’t rest until you get it too. I’m sorry that it won’t be as funny as:

USFPIARJ Teaser Wants You And Dresses Like It Too.

Srry, that’s the RapeJoke of US Development And Enclosure/Domestic Policy. So hard to keep them separate.

Anyway, that shit ain’t funny, and i know you know i know this, and you had best be aware that am fully aware of the former, and am still going to shove it in any and every face i see, even the “innocent” amongst the wellwishers, when ere hence i boil it down to servable dimentia.

Qua? Because…because you fuckers are driving your cars around, paying the banks and companies what They™ tell you to, acting like you’ve got a fucking say in who becomes Bush’s heir to the puppethone, acting like even if you did have a say there was a cunting difference on stage between the 6 wastes of skin offered, and all the while your tax dollars are once again paying for worldwide outsourcing of rape and murder at increasing rates; and you act as if this is understandable given how crazy Arabs are.

Worse, you act like you believe this cockamamie half-assed lie is fooling you, and then…l0lz, get this shit..THEN YOU ACT LIKE I’M SUPPOSED TO NOT CALL YOU ON IT.

Oh Cracka i KNOW you ain’t that high.

Which of you females reading this is thinking “Obama or Hilary?” WHICH ONE OF YOU?

Fucking better be NONE. Serious. WTF? You LIKE Rape as a Foreign Policy strategy? Will there be less with either one of those capitulating mealymouthed corporate stooges as Official USA Talking Head? Really?

You think?

You think it matters what you think? Still? Do The Goddam Reading.

Democracy Self-Exam Tool

The Only Complete™
Compendium of US State Laws Governing Electoral Procedure.

Which one of you-wanna be Realists still thinks the 2004 electoral-over-popular count doesn’t decidedly prove beyond the standard mean required that the US electoral college is not contingent upon the popular count? Which one, two, or W/e is so fucking committed to the Ideal Armchair of Moderation that following the fucking paper trail from New York through London to Dubai is the job of “Conspiracy Freaks” and not merely another good way to track the obvious actions of a global cartel of multinationalist corporate dynasties?

Which 20 of you ARE conspiracy fucktards, buying your clique’s racist, ethnocentrist, tribalist misdirection legends? WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKING PEOPLE BELIEVED THE HASHEMSFILMS L0LZFEST?


Derp. Dipshits. You aren’t fooling anyone by acting as if you think that’s within the reach of plausible. It’s praetobviously not, and as a matter of fact one WOULD have to be slightly retarded to think that aliens were going to alieviate us of the responsibilties implicit in dealing with the ever-growing gobs of human feces appearing (as if by divine intervention!) in our personal doggie dishes.

I don’t care if it’s out of fear that you don’t face down the FaceLess with me. It’s always been so obvious to me that an oligarchy controlled the Western world. One controls Japan, in collusion with the Imperial aristocracy which they kept. One controls India, created by the Aryans when they took over the ArcheoTamil world. Ghandi was a pale motherfucker, huh? They’re good at it, them Aryan Cousins of mine.

In the West they didn’t fare so well. No Bible. That’s key in the beginning. This is why it’s easy to blame the Jews; their founding autocrat wrote the bible that the whole of Western Culture looks to as some sort of keystone. Here’s the kicker, boys and girls:

No Gods empower these people.

In case you haven’t noticed, those symbol sets don’t mean shit in physical reality, being as the sky is empty. No MagicMan in the clouds. So that’s all just control myths. And you have to be pretty fucking broken to let some other idiot’s poorly plaguarized spook story control you into giving real authority to elitist thugs.

Every Jew i know wants nothing to do with Israel and gets no Hanakhah gifts with Tel Aviv postmarks, dig? Every blond i know wants nothing to with Nazi scumbags and has no claim on their ancestral farmland in the Rhone Valley, every Londoner i know has no love for the Royals….

…hmph. I don’t know any Londoners, actually. Fucking go back to 1812, everybody. NOW.

Alright, here’s a happy Revolutionary Music Video to motivate you.

Tania (Be Cool About Fire Safety, Comrade Paris!)

I’ll be there waiting. Hurry up, and somebody PLEASE give Paris an AK.

Sorry if i yelled…No, fuck that. Sorry if you think Democracy isn’t worth looking into.

All Power To The People™.

Smith Operatorus

These are divisive times, and the fractous ebb of popular action signals an accademically developmental era for democratic unionists.

So let’s try to do better than our Forebears and Betters™.
Let’s get the principles of populism down to provable precepts.

For All to inarguably accept a precept as Givens, it has to become Law.

This is a lengthy and nebulously defined “scientific” phenominon. Regardez the declention ofPythagorias’ Theoreum -vs- Boyle’s Law.

The reasons for this obviously skewed, specialty-dependent and arbitrary nomenclature being bandied about by our Expert class of Authorities are variously incompetence, corruption and petty stupidity in differing ratios. In general, though, the gestault of the Academic Authority will move towards acceptance of a given principle if it is arguably true (and stated falsifiably), or at least gives them enough to chaw on that Papers can be written, thus affording the individuated Authority Units of current Academia opportunity to advance thier own personal Status.

Unless of course it proposes a direct danger to the Dominant Culture or it’s Control Authority, in which case a discovered principle, it’s technological applications and quite possibly it’s proponer and thier adherants are generally bashed, banned and burned in public.

Therefore the Populist in search of a Principia Primae upon which to rest a less-Elitist Demagogiae Democratii, one which forgoes the repugnant and lazy side-step towards the hated Republic By Patricians, must belabor a bit the methodology, lest an obvious Truth™ be badmouthed as balderdash too simple to besmudge another blog entry with.

V ≣ L

Take our precious Labor Theory of Value, which should rightfully be a Law.
I mean, think about it. Even gold is valueless as is, especially in a State of Nature. It’s Labor, applied and layered, that gives an object of gold any actual Utility Value that it has. Bread has more Value than raw wheat, and good 9-grain bread more again due to increased Labor enhancing the Utility Value.


Kenysian Value theory, and economics per Authoritee Academe, shied purposefully away from such and abandoned the Utility based science that had been built in favor of an quantatively aggregationist, statistically specious, psuedo-science cum propaganda platform far more useful as a soapbox for industrial appologism than as a tool for inquiry. Oh, maybe it could be used by a marketteer to describe preference changes of a target demographic in a given set of circumstances, since Preferences are MainGod for market economics and it’s flimsy, mutable excuse for Value. We can suppose also that one can use Thier™ stats against Them™, but why?

{∑∞⇅⋓ॐ≢x(n+1)}≣¡|Justice + Equality|!

(There Does Not Exist a Theory of Everything that is Strictly Equivalent To a Strong Argument For the Absolute Value of Justice and Liberty)*

In light of the task at hand, being devising or divining a logical expression of principles governing Human Social Macrodynamics (political economics), let the following operators be (re)defined THUS:

means Authority.
means Strictly Equivalent To.
means Given (Because).
means Therefore.
means Dialectically Reciprociprocal.

This expresses a relationship which may be negative, neutral or possitive with regards to impact. A model to consider here is English and spin on a poolball, which impart with reversed direction when vectored off another ball.


where ¡! is indicative of an integrated unity of the multi-phasic set of vectors and forces describing the movement of the enclosed Variable Unit.**

means There Exists
means There Does Not Exist.
means Is Not Equal To.

These are our Operators; let us pray that we never have to use them against the Innocent™. Except and . They’re cool looking. with a circle around it is of course the traditional “Authority” symbol, -v- the Circle A™ of our Beloved Future Perfect, Anarchy. Go figure why they aren’t standard unicode characters.

Better yet, go remind yourself of the Twin Tards, the Authority Agents whose “Enlightenened” ideas we need to supplant and surmount to succeed in seeding Democracy.

John Locke: Ovaltine

To make his arguments John Locke had to re-write some of the “Noble Savage” drivel of J-J Rousseau, upon whose Natural Law our idea of the Social Contract is hung, tacked up like a Proclaimation the Sheriff was told to nail onto the doors of our peasants’ hovels, en masse under the cover of an Absinthe-flooded night.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Return of The Golden Rectangle?

Refresh your heads as breifly as possible (if you wish) on these gentlemen and thier odd ideas. Ruminate about thier Class, perhaps, and what thier goals were, if you think they indeed had any.
Then we’ll move on.

* One should likely insert the words “Piss-Poor, Senseless and Hastily Fabricated” prior to “Theory of Everything” in the refering sentence to get more literal translation from the equation above it; however, this is contrapositive to it’s given and nominatively eponymous raison d’etre.

**(Luckily, we won’t be doing physics proofs with demographics, per se. Your Candidate is notably weak on the quantificationisms.)

Reinventing Your Selfishness: Prophylogeneticity Cross-indicates pr0ntogenicity

God – On All Fours(btw, i recommend using th’ WordPress WebSnap widget here…it’s hillariously Junglistical.)

The Washington Post discovered that US backed militias do sometimes hang out with drug-cartel thugs, albiet only if said thugy drugies “infiltrate” aforementioned militias’ no-doubt labrynthian security and internal oversight commandcontrols. Which are probably the best a boy can learn to emulate at the School For The Americas, where No Child Gets Left Unraped Until Blind™.

So a couple bad apples made a couple coke deals. WTF. At least we don’t train them to torture nuns.

Or kill reporters.


GoTo playlist page to see more vidz

Thought i was gonna bust out the Gary Webb movies again, huh? Pwnt.

Hey, Cowboy Bob! Yeah, you, kid-cakes! Wanna buy a Hat?

It’s utility ’round here is over. Finished, done, gone, out. Somebody should claim it ‘afor’n ah give it to the freeballing UtiliKilt guy who lives up the hill. He’d wear it, too, and get away with it. W/e. Here’s the keeper part.

Kurt said (insomuch as this particular nonanimate Golem speaks; which is to say “C_j flipped a coin”) that the American Flag™ that he sat on for 4 (5?) years is up for the Patriot that can step up to claim both Flag and Hat. I think it’s a 48-star flag; hard to tell being as it’s folded proper. Hey, i was a trained civil servant once.

Ok, maybe not totally proper.

So, yeah. Still trying to sell our worlds over here.

I’ve multch’d more furniture than we’ve managed to sell or give away. W/e. Think today’s sale is going to be a Moving Moving Sale. Like a movable feast, yeah? Except the other people don’t know that we’re going to show up at thier door with a bunch of crap to sell (and leave lying around if no-one’s buying). I’ve already got a milkcrate full of random electoronics that Al Qu’aeDaffy would (allegedly) love to get a hol’t of and a intercom mic/aux/VO unit loaded on the TrundleRound™. Think i’ll pack on one each amp and tapedeck, maybe the conduit crate, and that fucking 10-column candleabra that keeps tripping me. Roll on down to Fremont, after cartoons of course. Leave it all in front of Lenin with a note that says “stoopid baby” under a large Prussian-pointing arrow.

It’s going to be a spectacular day, People. Forward along the Shining Path.

We have nothing to lose but our wallet chains.

The Gary Webb Memorial IranContra Viewer

GoTo playlist page to see more vidz
Oh, snap. Gotcha.