Category Archives: execution

Black Tuesday

Live, From Death Row…

Sri Doktor Mumia Abu Jamal’s words from death row come via
and are video mixed by
Suryu, aKa ThierSpacer Ismael. /Props!

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Mumia’s on a roll this month, and Ismail’s servin’ it up like Mothers’ Day in BC. Why? Why, you wonder, fellow White Person? Yes, you, no matter what the checkbox on your ID says; if you’re reading this you come from a space that is essentially in opposition to that of folks like Doktor Jamal and Sri X.

FBI Cointelpro – war on black america
Uploaded by jasonmacs

En vogue – Free Your Mind
Uploaded by hakim93200

Oooops, did i stray suddenly too far Camp? STFU, Crackiditty Tom. I bring news from Spartacus and the 5th; they have braved through the seductions of Syndication to deliver Boondocks Anew!

Uploaded by TLNNL

WAY more than you’ll ever get outta that goddamn democracy-hating Libertarian Red Herring in a Republican’s cowl, Ron Paul. He’s not your buddy, kid. He’s an elitist who has the terminity to admit it in face of the growing abyss between Us and Them™. One last list to ponder, and a thought to help you gnost’ it: Who’s more actively a participant in the marginalization of the Common Citizen ~ Condi ‘ice or Mikael Richards?

Heckler Watch

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Waxing Gibbous

Working on a scary hybrid-themed playlist for your Autumnal Slaughter Spots, Amerikkka. Behold; a landscape of switchblades and serial killers:

The Duke, The Clown, The Kids & US

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Additions to th’ War™ Playlist Player include a whole pack of cute Iraqui kids and the Special Opz guys they tag around with, footage of a Predator straffing insurgents, and the usual fresh-baked rapes and IEDs.

Renting: It’s A War Thang, Baby

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In our ever-expanding practical DIY playlist one may now find How-To’s on pen guns, potato guns, ascetylene bombs, suppository delivery of DMT, mushroom picking, and proper play of the resurgent pre-teen parlour game “Choke Each Other Into Unconsciousness” in P0st-911 USofA.

Functional Instructionals

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Each playlist has over 100 videos now. Play safe: shoot clean.

Happy New Moon.

Reinventing Your Selfishness: Prophylogeneticity Cross-indicates pr0ntogenicity

God – On All Fours(btw, i recommend using th’ WordPress WebSnap widget here…it’s hillariously Junglistical.)

The Washington Post discovered that US backed militias do sometimes hang out with drug-cartel thugs, albiet only if said thugy drugies “infiltrate” aforementioned militias’ no-doubt labrynthian security and internal oversight commandcontrols. Which are probably the best a boy can learn to emulate at the School For The Americas, where No Child Gets Left Unraped Until Blind™.

So a couple bad apples made a couple coke deals. WTF. At least we don’t train them to torture nuns.

Or kill reporters.


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Thought i was gonna bust out the Gary Webb movies again, huh? Pwnt.

Hey, Cowboy Bob! Yeah, you, kid-cakes! Wanna buy a Hat?

It’s utility ’round here is over. Finished, done, gone, out. Somebody should claim it ‘afor’n ah give it to the freeballing UtiliKilt guy who lives up the hill. He’d wear it, too, and get away with it. W/e. Here’s the keeper part.

Kurt said (insomuch as this particular nonanimate Golem speaks; which is to say “C_j flipped a coin”) that the American Flag™ that he sat on for 4 (5?) years is up for the Patriot that can step up to claim both Flag and Hat. I think it’s a 48-star flag; hard to tell being as it’s folded proper. Hey, i was a trained civil servant once.

Ok, maybe not totally proper.

So, yeah. Still trying to sell our worlds over here.

I’ve multch’d more furniture than we’ve managed to sell or give away. W/e. Think today’s sale is going to be a Moving Moving Sale. Like a movable feast, yeah? Except the other people don’t know that we’re going to show up at thier door with a bunch of crap to sell (and leave lying around if no-one’s buying). I’ve already got a milkcrate full of random electoronics that Al Qu’aeDaffy would (allegedly) love to get a hol’t of and a intercom mic/aux/VO unit loaded on the TrundleRound™. Think i’ll pack on one each amp and tapedeck, maybe the conduit crate, and that fucking 10-column candleabra that keeps tripping me. Roll on down to Fremont, after cartoons of course. Leave it all in front of Lenin with a note that says “stoopid baby” under a large Prussian-pointing arrow.

It’s going to be a spectacular day, People. Forward along the Shining Path.

We have nothing to lose but our wallet chains.

The Gary Webb Memorial IranContra Viewer

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Oh, snap. Gotcha.