Tag Archives: Iran

Holiday Office Party FunBook

Here’s a fun way to lively-up the conversation around the punch bowl: Print out one or more of the PDFs created from the articles in this list and hang ’em around the breakroom like mistletoe! Remember to use the Company’s time and resources since it IS for the Staff Party and all.



The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007

 Listed on Project Censored

1. No Habeas Corpus for “Any Person”

2. Bush Moves Towards Martial Law

3. US Military Control of Africa’s Resources

4. Frenzy of Increasingly Destructive Trade Agreements

5. Human Traffic Builds US Embassy in Iraq

6. Operation FALCON Raids

7. Behind Blackwater Inc8. The US Neoliberal Invasion of India

9. Privatisation of America’s Infrastructure

10. Vulture Funds Threaten Poor Nations Debt Relief

11. The Scam of “Reconstruction” in Afghanistan

12. Another Massacre in Haiti by US Troops

13. Immigrant Roundups to Gain Cheap Labour for US Corporate Giants

14. Impunity for US War Criminals

15. Toxic Exposure can be Transmitted to Second Generations on a “Second Genetic Code”

16. No Hard Evidence Connecting Bin Laden to 9/11

17. Drinking Water Contaminated by Military and Corporations

18. Mexico’s Stolen Election

19. People’s Movement Challenges Neoliberal Agenda

20. Terror Act Against Animal Activists

21. US Seeks WTO Immunity for Illegal Farm Payments

22. North Invades Mexico23. Feinstein’s Conflict of Interest in Iraq

24. Media Misquotes Threat from Iran’s President

25. Who Will Profit from Native Energy? 

D/L PDF of the Top 10

D/L PDF of the Bottom 15


D/L PDF of All 25 Articles



Watching the Skys, Nets

Let’s not add to the rolling snowball of self-perpetuated insanity that has most recently gathered a hefty layer from The Decider’s proclaimations of sanction ag’in Shi’ite Persia.

Let’s instead look at what, perhaps, They™ would use such sabre-rattling clamor to obfuscate. Reports of true Kafkaesquisity in the ever-growing beurokrautik
double-blind farce of the WatchList, which a SlashDot post posits is most probably fueled by datamining. With recent NSA and telecom collusion coming into fine focus, one might argue that this is not so much a lame-duck Presidency as an infant totalitarian dictatorship we here in the US of A have allowed to bloom.

Not this Candidate.

Personally, i’ve always thought that the NSA had best be wiretapping and the FBI watchlisting and the CIA renditioning and such. I just would have thought these agencies more targetted and adroit at thier game, like they were during the CoIntelPro days. These days their nets are too big, too broad and ill-suited to the tasks. They aren’t going to catch any fishies like this, all they’re going to do is piss good people off. Or scare them.

This doesn’t make it any more palattable. It just makes us a bigger target, which we didn’t need help with. We’ve been, as the Latin Americans who survived our decades of death squads and dictators say, “pinche hue Gringos.” What’s the gain in this game Cheney and Company are running?

Follow the money. The “left” press is almost there; watch them pull back from it like a slug from salt. It’s right under your noses when you sniff at Fox news. It’s why we fight in Afganistan, Iraq, and every other Eastern Hemisphere theatre, it’s why you were so confused about the voracity with which the shut-down of Lyndon LaRouche was effected.

If you say “oil” i swear to Maa i’ll fucking reach through the tubes and smack your dumb asses. I done tol’ allz’y’all prior that the USA is not going to get oil from Iraq. That much is obvious, or should be, to anyone with access to the internet who cares enough to look into who owns the damn pipelines. However, follow those pipelines and they’ll lead you home.

If you care.

If not, look up. There’s a new star in the North Eastern skies.

Wardrums and Doldrums

One would think that the assasination of a model collaborator would teach the Hawks something about the difference between a winning strategy and the type of half-assed muddle the US is waging against the people of Iraq.
If one assumed that they cared.
Hawks never care. Inside every Hawk is a sociopathic disconnect, more of a short-circuit than a soul, that clings onto visions of glory and military victory as justification for murder. The facts of any given situation are neatly rounded into a cop-drama script fo them, and carpet-bombing and torture are then easily seen as reasonable approaches to the issue. They never take the human factor seriously, and thus fail to notice when the boys they sent out to kill strangers start losing faith in the good fight.

Added some new vids to the Quagmire Player.

open playlist in new window

In honor of IslamoFascist Week, let’s review Shi’ite Persian Props.

open playlist in new window

I wouldn’t advise a hot war with Iran.

But hey, i care.